Saturday, March 19, 2011

Crying Nights with Dear John

Not much movies for me this week, I watched Adjustment Bureau, Megamind (I watched it last year, this time with my brother), and Dear John. Adjustment Bureau was a chick flick, I realized, they just added this plot line involving controllists and magical doors. At the end of the day, Matt Damon looks hot and the story ended quite well (Read: They live happily ever after). Nothing much to talk about that movie but we learn that we cannot turn the door knob to the left because we might end up getting pursued with our puppeteers. Not the point of this blog post.

So last night, I bumped to this movie Dear John starring the dashing Channing Tatum and the actress from the recently big time film flop of 2011 Amanda Seyfried. All I can say after watching this movie is that it left me crying and crying with how broken John was after he received the letter from Savannah saying she's engaged. He was so broken he burned all the letters he has received. I was reminded by Steve Sandvoss from Latter Days. Channing's face and aura left a mark on me and I bet it will be haunting me for days, if not weeks. (To tell quite frankly, the Steve's story still haunts me and I watched that movie about two months ago). The imprint of loss and sadness stays in me especially when the narrative is told in such a moving way. In this case, the exchange of letters, the loneliness and uncertainty in the middle of the desert, and the longing were justified by the script.

The subplot which involves John's relationship with his father also touched me. Maybe because of my disturbed relationship with my family, but every time I see scenes involving family I can't help but cry. John grew distant to his father because of the coin collection. It turns out the "obsession" of his father for the coins is an outlet and a manifestation that the father is actually born autistic. The emotional distance between John and his father was reconciled when Mr. Tyree had a stroke and John realizes that his father is the most important person in his life. Next thing we knew, John was seating alone in his father's funeral. This contributed to John's character and in a way, brings John and Savannah together. It 's as if his father works for the reconciliation of the two lovers-- a reciprocation, much more like a compensation, for the long lost connection between the father and the son.

Dear John received a lot of negative reviews from the critics: Rotten Tomatoes gave it 28% rating while Metacritic rated 48%. Although in the Box Office, it placed no. 1 in its opening weekend. I might say that the script is actually a cliched tear-jerker but nonetheless, it didn't failed to leave a mark- at least for me. Dear John is absolutely a chick-flick, although cliched, but definitely worth the watch.

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